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QUAGGA - The Easy Tutorial - Introduction

Quagga Introduction
Last Change : Mar 21 2008 french flagenglish flag


Details What is Quagga?
Prerequisites & Installation
How to use Quagga
Routers functionnalities comparison
Case Study 1 - Static routes
Case Study 2 - OSPF simple
Case Study 3 - OSPF advanced
Case Study 4 - BGP

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Quagga is an open source routing software based on the Zebra router, for which development was stopped in 2003. It supports the main standardised routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF or BGP and can be installed on any Linux system with a 2.4 or higher kernel.

Quagga is composed of several daemons, one per routing protocol and another one called Zebra acting as the kernel routing manager. Each daemon has its own configuration file and terminal interface which can be accessed by telnet.
The vtysh tool is provided to configure the Quagga router from the localhost, in a unique interface.
See the Quagga tutorial for instructions on configuring the router.

Quagga works independently from the operational system (OS) over which it is installed. This is not the case for the open source Vyatta router or the commercial routers where the OS and the routing engine are built together.
With Vyatta routers, you can access the operational system (a modified version of the Debian Linux distribution) but even this is not necessary to configure the router.
With commercial routers like Cisco or Nortel, you can access only the router interface.

It must be emphasised that Quagga owns only routing capabililies and functionalities associated with it, such as access lists or route maps. It does not provide "non-routing" functionalities such as DHCP server, NTP server/client or ssh access but it is often possible to enable them on the operating system supporting your Quagga router.
See the Routers' comparison to get an overview about the functionalities available with Cisco, Vyatty or Quagga routers.

quagga animal The Quagga Command line Interface is very similar to the Cisco IOS software allows it to be configured very easily for those who are familiar with Cisco.

And finally, little story: the word 'quagga' comes from an extinct animal which was a subspecies of the plains zebra.