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WANEM - The Easy Tutorial - Basic configurations

WANem Basic configurations
Last Change : Feb 07 2008 french flagenglish flag


Details What is WANem?
Basic configurations
Network Scenarios
Basic mode
Advanced mode

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attractions in Western Switzerland !! (Please use english translation).

Merci de consulter notre site sur les
activités à faire en Suisse romande !!

Download the WANem iso image. Burn it on a CD and start your computer. You can also download a WANem file readable with a VMware server or player.

Start WANem:

The Knoppix Linux is starting:

IP address selection:

WANem then asks you for an IP address. Press "y" to get a dynamic IP address provided by your DHCP server or "n" to set a static IP address. We chose this last option in our example.

Final step:

Enter the password of your choice.
You will need it if you want to remotely access the Knoppix Linux platform via SSH.

Check the IP address got by WANem:


WANem platform:

You can now access WANem with your web browser:
To get full details about how to use WANem, continue with the basic and advanced WANem mode tutorials.

You can also access the Knoppix/Linux level with SSH.
username is "perc" and the password has been set previously at the end of the knoppix boot.


The "help" command provides the available commands list:

help -- Displays this help.
about -- About WANem
clear -- Clear the Screen
reset -- Reset the network setting and services
shutdown -- Shutdown the System
restart -- Restart the System
status -- Check the status of Network settings and services
wanemreset -- Reset WANem settings from here if GUI is very slow
assign -- Assign an IPAddress to a device usage:assign
quit -- Quit the shell

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