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WIRESHARK - The Easy Tutorial - Statistics

Wireshark Statistics
Last Change : Dec 10 2010


Details What is Wireshark?
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Wireshark provides a lot of different statistics which can be consulted if you click on the "statistics" field on the top of the screen.

We will present below, some statistics examples:


Protocol Hierarchy



IO Graphs

Conversation List

Endpoint List

Service Response Time

wireshark statistics


VoIP Calls

Flow Graph
IP address

Packet Length
Port Type


Basic global statistics are available in the summary window such as:
- Capture file properties
- Capture time
- Capture filter information.
- Display filter information.

wireshark statistics summary

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Protocol Hierarchy

The protocol hierarchy shows a dissection per OSI layer of the displayed data.

wireshark statistics protocol hierarchy

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If you use TCP/IP suite application or protocol, you should find four active tabs for Ethernet, IP, TCP and UDP conversations. A "conversation" represents the traffic between two hosts.
The number in the tab after the protocol indicates the number of conversations. For instance: "Ethernet:6".

Ethernet conversations:

wireshark statistics conversations ethernet

IP conversations:

wireshark statistics conversations ip

TCP conversations:

wireshark statistics conversations tcp

UDP conversations:

wireshark statistics conversations udp

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The endpoints provide statistics about received and transmitted data on a per machine base.
The number after the protocol indicates the number of endpoints. For instance: "Ethernet:6".

Ethernet endpoints:

wireshark statistics endpoints ethernet

IP endpoints:

wireshark statistics endpoints ip

TCP endpoints:

wireshark statistics endpoints tcp

UDP endpoints:

wireshark statistics endpoints udp

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IO Graphs

Basic graphics can be obtained under the "IO graphs" section.
Multiple graphics can be added in the same window on a per display filter base.
In our example below, we chose to draw two graphs depending on a "tcp" and "http" display filter.

wireshark io graphs

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Conversation List

The "Conversation List" section provides the same information as the one given by the "Conversations" section.

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Endpoint List

The "Endpoint list" section provides the same information as the one given by the "Endpoints" section.

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Service Response Time

13 protocols are available for an in-depth inspection.
In our example we chose SMB (Server Message Block) which runs on top of the NetBIOS protocol (see Protocol Hierarchy screenshot) and is typically used when files are shared on a Local Microsoft Windows environment.

wireshark service response time

The Wireshark display filter is shown in the smb filter field.
In our example, we have no display filter.

wireshark service response time

wireshark service response time

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RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol, RFC 3550) is a protocol for carrying voice and video communications over an IP network. It runs on the top of the User Datagram Protocol. (UDP)
It is frequently used in conjunction with SIP or H.323 which provide the signaling tasks.

Show all streams

wireshark RTP all streams

wireshark RTP all streams

Stream analysis

wireshark RTP stream analysis

wireshark RTP analysis stream

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SIP (Session Initiation Protocol, RFC 3261) is a signaling protocol for establishing VoIP or video sessions.
It works typically with the RTP protocol which is used to transmit multimedia data.

wireshark SIP

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VoIP Calls

VoIP (Voice over IP) generally uses two types of protocols:
- signaling protocols such as SIP or H.323
- carrying protocols such as RTP

wireshark RTP stream analysis

wireshark voip calls

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The "Destinations" section shows all the destination IP addresses of the network packets.

wireshark filter

wireshark destinations

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Flow Graph

The "Flow Graph" section provides a sequential analysis of TCP connections.
In our example, we created a displayed filter to target only traffic to the website.

wireshark flow graph

The three first lines show a TCP connection establishment with the "SYN", "SYN ACK" and "ACK" sequences.

wireshark flow graph filter

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HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a client-server communication protocol used to transfer HTML files.
An HTTP client, most of the time a web browser, sends an HTTP request to a web server with the well-known "URL" field to locate the file. The web server will answer with an HTTP response and provides to the client the desired web page.

Three sub-sections are available under "HTTP":
- Load Distribution
- Packet Counter
- Requests

Load distribution:

wireshark http

In our example, we created a displayed filter to target only trafic to the website.

wireshark http filter

wireshark load distribution

Packet Counter:

Display the HTTP requests and responses.

wireshark http packet counter

In our example, we created a displayed filter to target only traffic to the website.

wireshark http filter

wireshark http packet counter


Display the files consulted on the web server.

wireshark http requests

In our example, we created a displayed filter to target only traffic to the website.

wireshark http filter

wireshark http requests

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IP address

Display the source or destination IP address of the network packets.

wireshark filter

wireshark ip address

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Packet Length

wireshark filter

wireshark packet length

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Port Type

Display TCP or UDP ports statistics.

wireshark filter

wireshark port type

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